Vol. 1 No. 1 (2009): Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2009

Published: 2017-09-27

Poster Presentations

A state-space model for multi-scale fatigue damage prognosis

Jingjing He, Zizi Lu, Yongming Liu
Abstract 293 | PDF Downloads 185

A System-Level Approach to Fault Progression Analysis in Complex Engineering Systems

Manzar Abbas, George J. Vachtsevanos
Abstract 292 | PDF Downloads 160

Generating a diagnostic system from an automated FMEA

Neal Snooke
Abstract 164 | PDF Downloads 129

An Overview of Prognosis Health Management Research at GRC for Gas Turbine Engine Structures with Special Emphasis on Deformation and Damage Modeling

Drs. Steven M. Arnold, Robert K. Goldberg, Bradley A. Lerch, Atef F. Saleeb
Abstract 206 | PDF Downloads 127

Overview of PHMBIT

Bruce Woollard
Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 164

Towards Accelerated Aging Methodologies and Health Management of Power MOSFETs (Technical Brief)

Jose R. Celaya, Nishad Patil, Sankalita Saha, Phil Wysocki, Kai Goebel
Abstract 635 | PDF Downloads 236

Fuzzy Neural Network Modelling for Tool Wear Estimation in Dry Milling Operation

X. Li, B. S. Lim, J. H. Zhou, S. Huang, S. J. Phua, K. C. Shaw, M. J. Er
Abstract 3872 | PDF Downloads 2183

Identifying Optimal Prognostic Parameters from Data: A Genetic Algorithms Approach

Jamie Coble, J. Wesley Hines
Abstract 1393 | PDF Downloads 819

Effect of Electrostatic Discharge on Electrical Characteristics of Discrete Electronic Components (Technical Brief)

Phil Wysocki, Vladislav Vashchenko, Jose Celaya, Sankalita Saha, Kai Goebel
Abstract 456 | PDF Downloads 137

Design of an Electrical Power System using a Functional Failure and Flow State Logic Reasoning Methodology

David C. Jensen, Irem Y. Tumer, Tolga Kurtoglu
Abstract 4171 | PDF Downloads 168

Complex System Prognostics : a New Systemic Approach

Flavien Peysson, Mustapha Ouladsine, Rachid Outbib
Abstract 153 | PDF Downloads 185

Health prognosis based on a novel approach for damage accumulation calculation

Kai-Uwe Dettmann , Dirk So ̈ffker
Abstract 221 | PDF Downloads 140

Incorporating Active Healing and Feedback in Structural Systems (Technical Brief)

Dryver Huston, David Hurley, Anthony Gervais, Kenneth Gollins
Abstract 151 | PDF Downloads 118

Optimal Feature Set for Detection of Inner Race Defect in Rolling Element Bearings

Karthik Kappaganthu, C. Nataraj, Biswanath Samanta
Abstract 206 | PDF Downloads 135

Prognostics Framework for Remaining Life Prediction of Cutty Sark Iron Structures

Yasmine Rosunally, Stoyan Stoyanov, Chris Bailey, Peter Mason, Sheelagh Campbell, George Monger
Abstract 205 | PDF Downloads 158

Reducing Uncertainty in Damage Growth Properties by Structural Health Monitoring

Alexandra Coppe, Raphael T. Haftka, Nam-Ho Kim, Fuh-Gwo Yuan
Abstract 239 | PDF Downloads 134

Technical Research Papers

Data-Driven Roller Bearing Diagnosis Using Degree of Randomness and Laplace Test

Bo Ling, Michael Khonsari, Ross Hathaway
Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 166

A Multi-Fault Modeling Approach for Fault Diagnosis and Failure Prognosis of Engineering Systems

Bin Zhang, Chris Sconyers, Romano Patrick, George Vachtsevanos
Abstract 582 | PDF Downloads 268

APU FMEA Validation Using Operation and Maintenance Data

Chunsheng Yang, Sylvain Letourneau, Elizabeth Scarlett, Marvin Zaluski
Abstract 235 | PDF Downloads 175

Bearing Envelope Analysis Window Selection

Eric Bechhoefer, Praneet Menon
Abstract 356 | PDF Downloads 272

Benchmarking Diagnostic Algorithms on an Electrical Power System Testbed

Tolga Kurtoglu, Sriram Narasimhan, Scott Poll, David Garcia, Stephanie Wright
Abstract 354 | PDF Downloads 186

Carbon Nanotube Coated Piezoelectric Ceramic for Self-Health-Monitoring

Lunwei Zhang, Giulia Lanzara, Fu-Kuo Chang
Abstract 136 | PDF Downloads 102

Combination of Simulation and State Observers for Consistency-based Diagnosis

Anibal Bregon, Belarmino Pulido, Carlos Alonso-Gonza ́lez
Abstract 234 | PDF Downloads 156

Computationally Efficient Tiered Inference for Multiple Fault Diagnosis

Juan Liu, Lukas Kuhn, Johan de Kleer
Abstract 177 | PDF Downloads 140

Computing Multiple Minimal Diagnoses

Alexander Feldman, Gregory Provan, Arjan van Gemund
Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 133

Cost-Benefit Analysis Trade-Space Tool as a Design-Aid for the U.S. Army Vehicle Health Management System (VHMS) Program

Jason Hines, Lorri Bennett, Chris Ligetti, Jeff Banks, LTC Scott Nestler
Abstract 175 | PDF Downloads 202

A novel Bayesian Least Squares Support Vector Machine based Anomaly Detector for Fault Diagnosis

Taimoor Khawaja, George Vachtsevanos
Abstract 303 | PDF Downloads 129

Effects of Lightning Injection on Power-MOSFETs

Jose Celaya, Sankalita Saha, Phil Wysocki, Jay Ely, Truong Nguyen, George Szatkowski, Sandra Koppen, John Mielnik, Roger Vaughan, Kai Goebel
Abstract 415 | PDF Downloads 128

Efficient on-line parameter estimation in TRANSCEND for nonlinear systems

Anibal Bregon , Belarmino Pulido, Gautam Biswas
Abstract 308 | PDF Downloads 114

Entropy-based probabilistic fatigue damage prognosis and algorithmic performance comparison

Xuefei Guan, Yongming Liu, Abhinav Saxena, Jose Celaya, Kai Goebel
Abstract 374 | PDF Downloads 177

Estimation of Life Consumption for Advanced Drilling Tools

Dustin Garvey, Martin John, Jörg Baumann
Abstract 89 | PDF Downloads 117

Exact Nonlinear Filtering and Prediction in Process Model-Based Prognostics

Jonathan A. DeCastro , Liang Tang, Kenneth A. Loparo, Kai Goebel , George Vachtsevanos
Abstract 500 | PDF Downloads 153

Experimental Data Collection and Modeling for Nominal and Fault Conditions on Electro-Mechanical Actuators

Edward Balaban, Abhinav Saxena, Kai Goebel, Carl S. Byington, Matthew Watson, Sudarshan Bharadwaj, Matthew Smith
Abstract 771 | PDF Downloads 351

Failure Prognosis Using Timed Failure Propagation Graphs

Sherif Abdelwahed, Gabor Karsai
Abstract 136 | PDF Downloads 182

Fault diagnostic system based on approximate reasoning

Pavle Boškoski, Bojan Musizza , Janko Petrovčić, Ðani Juričić
Abstract 162 | PDF Downloads 140

Hierarchical Fault Diagnosis in Satellites Formation Flight

Amitabh Barua, K. Khorasani
Abstract 90 | PDF Downloads 102

A Novel RSPF Approach to Prediction of High-Risk, Low-Probability Failure Events

Marcos E. Orchard, Liang Tang, Kai Goebel, George Vachtsevanos
Abstract 1454 | PDF Downloads 169

Integrated Design of On-line Health and Prognostics Management

Mark Walker, Ravi Kapadia
Abstract 153 | PDF Downloads 141

Integrating Model-based Diagnosis and Prognosis in Autonomous Production

Paul Maier, Martin Sachenbacher , Thomas Ru ̈hr , Lukas Kuhn
Abstract 148 | PDF Downloads 113

Methods for Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis: An Electrical Power System Case Study

Brian W. Ricks, Ole J. Mengshoel
Abstract 414 | PDF Downloads 173

Model Based Bearing Fault Detection Using Support Vector Machines

Karthik Kappaganthu , C. Nataraj , Biswanath Samanta
Abstract 244 | PDF Downloads 169

Model-Based Diagnostics and Prognostics for Solid Rocket Motors

Dmitry G. Luchinsky, Viatcheslav V. Osipov, Vadim N. Smelyanskiy, A. Patterson-Hine, Ben Hayashida, Michael Watson, Joshua McMillin, David Shook, Mont Johnson, Scott Hyde
Abstract 269 | PDF Downloads 164

Model-based Prognostics with Fixed-lag Particle Filters

Matthew Daigle, Kai Goebel
Abstract 396 | PDF Downloads 154

Modeling Li-ion Battery Capacity Depletion in a Particle Filtering Framework

Bhaskar Saha, Kai Goebel
Abstract 2092 | PDF Downloads 801

On Applying the Prognostic Performance Metrics

Abhinav Saxena, Jose Celaya, Bhaskar Saha, Sankalita Saha, Kai Goebel
Abstract 1193 | PDF Downloads 405

Online Model-based Diagnosis for Multiple, Intermittent and Interaction Faults

Lukas Kuhn , Johan de Kleer, Juan Liu
Abstract 266 | PDF Downloads 174

Physics-based Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Aircraft Engine Bearing Prognosis

Nathan Bolander, Hai Qiu, Neil Eklund, Ed Hindle, Taylor Rosenfeld
Abstract 19542 | PDF Downloads 5911

Power Management for a Distributed Wireless Health Management Architecture

Sankalita Saha , Bhaskar Saha, Kai Goebel
Abstract 370 | PDF Downloads 96

Probabilistic Structural Health Monitoring Using Acoustic Emission

Masoud Rabiei, Mohammad Modarres, Paul Hoffman
Abstract 734 | PDF Downloads 175

Prognosis of gear health using stochastic dynamical models with online parameter estimation

Matej Gašperin, Pavle Boškoski, Dani Juričić
Abstract 182 | PDF Downloads 135

Prognostics Enhanced Reconfigurable Control of Electro-Mechanical Actuators

Douglas W. Brown, George Georgoulas, Brian Bole, Hai-Long Pei, Marcos Orchard , Liang Tang, Bhaskar Saha, Abhinav Saxena, Kai Goebel , George Vachtsevanos
Abstract 974 | PDF Downloads 213

Robust Differential Protection with Intermittent Cable Faults for Aircraft AC Generators

Ashraf Tantawy, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Gautam Biswas
Abstract 349 | PDF Downloads 153

Signal Stream Clustering for Tool-Revolution-Level Tool Condition Monitoring in Milling Process

Si Jie Phua, Xiang Li, Wee Keong Ng, Beng Siong Lim, Weixiang Zhong, Junhong Zhou
Abstract 144 | PDF Downloads 106

Situational Awareness and Decision-Making for Distressed Aircraft

Israel Lopez, Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn
Abstract 114 | PDF Downloads 120

The Interaction of PSS and PHM - a mutual benefit case

Tonci Grubic, Ian Jennions, Tim Baines
Abstract 306 | PDF Downloads 183

A Review of Time Synchronous Average Algorithms

Eric Bechhoefer, Michael Kingsley
Abstract 1636 | PDF Downloads 4068

Uncertainty Quantification in Fatigue Damage Prognosis

Shankar Sankararaman, You Ling, Chris Shantz, Sankaran Mahadevan
Abstract 432 | PDF Downloads 300

Using Condition Based Maintenance to Improve the Profitability of Performance Based Logistic Contracts

Johan Reimann, Greg Kacprzynski, Dennis Cabral, Robson Marini
Abstract 821 | PDF Downloads 1076

An Integrated Health Management and Prognostic Technology for Composite Airframe Structures

Ingolf Mueller, Cecilia Larrosa, Surajit Roy , Amrita Mittal , Kuldeep Lonkar, Fu-Kuo Chang
Abstract 385 | PDF Downloads 583

Analysis of Built-In Self-Tests for Electronic Control Units

K. Wojtek Przytula, David Allen, Tsai-Ching Lu, Noel Anderson, Jason Wanner
Abstract 302 | PDF Downloads 235

Towards Verification of Operational Procedures using Auto-Generated Diagnostic Trees

Tolga Kurtoglu, Robyn Lutz, Ann Patterson-Hine
Abstract 169 | PDF Downloads 109

Application of Blind Source Separation Techniques for Generation of PHM Useful Information

Bruno P. Leão, João Gomes, Roberto K. H. Galvão, Takashi Yoneyama
Abstract 244 | PDF Downloads 142