A Prognostics and Health Management System for an Unmanned Combat Aircraft System – A Defense Acquisition University Case Study



Published Mar 26, 2021
Richard A. Di Lorenzo Michael A. Bayer


A prognostics and health management (PHM) system is the focus of reliability improvement in the Defense Acquisition University’s LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics Part B course. LOG 201 is a one-week case-based course required for Level II certification in the Department of Defense Life-cycle Logistics career field, as required by the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA). In this hypothetical case, the PHM System is to be embedded in the Strike Talon Unmanned Combat Aircraft System for use by the United States Air Force and Navy.This paper describes the Strike Talon users’ requirements for a PHM system, a market investigation to determine if usable PHM monitoring equipment is already available, and ultimate development and testing of a PHM system, which would precede a decision to produce the Strike Talon. It is the authors’ intent to provide the reader with a sense of how a PHM capability may be acquired for a new unmanned combat aircraft system and how acquisition personnel could be acquainted with the impact PHM has on a system.

How to Cite

A. Di Lorenzo, R. ., & A. Bayer, M. . (2021). A Prognostics and Health Management System for an Unmanned Combat Aircraft System – A Defense Acquisition University Case Study. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 1(1). Retrieved from https://papers.phmsociety.org/index.php/phmconf/article/view/1629
Abstract 549 | PDF Downloads 3456



autonomous system, PHM system design and engineering,, requirements analysis, requirements flowdown, applications: aviation

Instructor Support Guide, LOG 201 Intermediate Acquisition Logistics, course (2009), Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Technical Research Papers