Integrated Approach to Capability Enhancement and Maintenance: A Proposed Framework



Published Mar 26, 2021
Emma Kelly Svetan Ratchev


In the current climate, the defence sector is increasingly characterised by longer product life cycles and asset availability demands. There is likely to be a reduction in the number of defence acquisition projects in the future. This, combined with military organisational changes and the fact that governments are steering towards contracting for capability, has led to an internal shift in manufacturing centric companies. These traditional companies are now providing service support for their products, thereby offering reduced risk to the customer. The service support aspect includes the use of new technologies and methods for managing technical products over their life cycle and ensuring that the customers’ required capability and availability demands are met. This imposes new challenges on subsequent maintenance, repair and capability enhancement procedures. This paper proposes a framework for the development of a Maintenance Dashboard. The underlying purpose being to establish an approach that supports the decision making process on whether to maintain, repair, upgrade or update a given platform system. The Maintenance Dashboard proposal is aimed at extending the ‘useful phase’ of a product's life.

How to Cite

Kelly, E. ., & Ratchev, S. . (2021). Integrated Approach to Capability Enhancement and Maintenance: A Proposed Framework. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 1(1). Retrieved from
Abstract 235 | PDF Downloads 283



CBM, condition based maintenance (CBM), cost-benefit analysis, economics and cost-benefit analysis, fleet-level optimization

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