Combination of Simulation and State Observers for Consistency-based Diagnosis



Published Mar 26, 2021
Anibal Bregon Belarmino Pulido Carlos Alonso-Gonza ́lez


Consistency-based diagnosis of dynamic systems using possible conflicts rely upon a semi-closed loop simulation of numerical models. Simulation approaches need to know the initial state, which is a nontrivial requirement in real-world systems. Prognosis approaches also require techniques for predicting the future system states under nominal and faulty conditions. This work proposes to integrate state observers to estimate initial states for simulation within the consistency-based diagnosis framework using possible conflicts. This work extends the BRIDGE framework for one class of dynamic systems, using the possible conflict concept to find every subsystem with necessary structural redundancy to lead to a minimal conflict activation. These algorithms can analyze those structures, without additional information, and point out possible implementations as observers or simulators. This proposal has been tested on a simulation scenario. Results and comparison with similar exist- ing hybrid -DX + FDI- approaches are provided.

How to Cite

Bregon, A., Pulido, B., & Alonso-Gonza ́lez C. (2021). Combination of Simulation and State Observers for Consistency-based Diagnosis. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 1(1). Retrieved from
Abstract 271 | PDF Downloads 175




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