A Distributed Approach to System-Level Prognostics



Published Sep 23, 2012
Matthew Daigle Anibal Bregon Indranil Roychoudhury


Prognostics, which deals with predicting remaining useful life of components, subsystems, and systems, is a key technology for systems health management that leads to improved safety and reliability with reduced costs. The prognostics problem is often approached from a component-centric view. However, in most cases, it is not specifically component life- times that are important, but, rather, the lifetimes of the systems in which these components reside. The system-level prognostics problem can be quite difficult due to the increased scale and scope of the prognostics problem and the relative lack of scalability and efficiency of typical prognostics approaches. In order to address these issues, we develop a distributed solution to the system-level prognostics problem, based on the concept of structural model decomposition. The system model is decomposed into independent submodels. Independent local prognostics subproblems are then formed based on these local submodels, resulting in a scalable, efficient, and flexible distributed approach to the system-level prognostics problem. We provide a formulation of the system-level prognostics problem and demonstrate the approach on a four-wheeled rover simulation testbed. The results show that the system-level prognostics problem can be accurately and efficiently solved in a distributed fashion.

How to Cite

Daigle, . M. ., Bregon, A. ., & Roychoudhury, I. (2012). A Distributed Approach to System-Level Prognostics. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2012.v4i1.2112
Abstract 345 | PDF Downloads 165



model-based prognostics, distributed prognostics, system-level prognostics

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