An Event-based Approach to Distributed Diagnosis of Continuous Systems



Published Oct 11, 2010
Matthew Daigle Indranil Roychoudhury Gautam Biswas Xenofon Koutsoukos


Distributed fault diagnosis solutions are becoming necessary due to the complexity of modern engineering systems, and the advent of smart sensors and computing elements. This paper presents a novel event-based approach for distributed diagnosis of abrupt parametric faults in continuous systems, based on a qualitative abstraction of measurement deviations from the nominal behavior. We systematically derive dynamic fault signatures expressed as event-based fault models. We develop a distributed diagnoser design algorithm that uses these models for designing local event-based diagnosers based on global diagnosability analysis. The local diag-nosers each generate globally correct diagnosis results locally, without a centralized coordinator, by communicating a minimal number of measurements between themselves. The proposed approach is applied to a multi-tank system, and results demonstrate a marked improvement in scalability compared to a centralized approach.

How to Cite

Daigle, M. ., Roychoudhury, I. ., Biswas , G. ., & Koutsoukos , X. . (2010). An Event-based Approach to Distributed Diagnosis of Continuous Systems. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(2).
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discrete-event systems, distributed diagnosis, qualitative fault diagnosis, continuous systems

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