Electrochemistry-based Battery Modeling for Prognostics



Published Oct 14, 2013
Matthew Daigle Chetan S. Kulkarni


Batteries are used in a wide variety of applications. In recent years, they have become popular as a source of power for electric vehicles such as cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, and commercial passenger aircraft. In such application domains, it becomes crucial to both monitor battery health and performance and to predict end of discharge (EOD) and end of useful life (EOL) events. To implement such technologies, it is crucial to understand how batteries work and to capture that knowledge in the form of models that can be used by monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis algorithms. In this work, we develop electrochemistry-based models of lithium-ion batteries that capture the significant electrochemical processes, are computationally efficient, capture the effects of aging, and are of suitable accuracy for reliable EOD prediction in a variety of usage profiles. This paper reports on the progress of such a model, with results demonstrating the model validity and accurate EOD predictions.

How to Cite

Daigle, M. ., & S. Kulkarni, C. (2013). Electrochemistry-based Battery Modeling for Prognostics. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2252
Abstract 2352 | PDF Downloads 1220



lithium-ion batteries, model-based prognostics

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