Diagnostic Reasoning using Prognostic Information for Unmanned Aerial Systems



Published Oct 18, 2015
Johann Schumann Indranil Roychoudhury Chetan Kulkarni


With increasing popularity of unmanned aircraft, continuous monitoring of their systems, software, and health status is becoming more and more important to ensure safe, correct, and efficient operation and fulfillment of missions. The paper presents integration of prognosis models and prognostic information with the R2U2 (REALIZABLE, RESPONSIVE, and UNOBTRUSIVE Unit) monitoring and diagnosis framework. This integration makes available statistically reliable health information predictions of the future at a much earlier time to enable autonomous decision making. The prognostic information can be used in the R2U2 model to improve diagnostic accuracy and enable decisions to be made at the present time to deal with events in the future. This will be an advancement over the current state of the art, where temporal logic observers can only do such valuation at the end of the time interval. Usefulness and effectiveness of this integrated diagnostics and prognostics framework was demonstrated using simulation experiments with the NASA Dragon Eye electric unmanned aircraft.

How to Cite

Schumann, J. ., Roychoudhury, I., & Kulkarni, C. . (2015). Diagnostic Reasoning using Prognostic Information for Unmanned Aerial Systems. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2015.v7i1.2548
Abstract 551 | PDF Downloads 242



FPGA, Battery discharge prognostics, Unscented Kalman Filtering, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Linear Temporal Logic, Bayesian network

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