About the Journal

The flagship publication of the PHM Society is the open online journal entitled the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM). The Journal has established a fast paced, yet rigorous peer-review policy. The Journal intends to publish original papers within 8-12 weeks of initial submission, much faster than what is possible with traditional print media.

Current Issue

Published: 2024-12-30

Technical Papers

Uncertainty Assessment Framework for IGBT Lifetime Models. A Case Study of Solder-Free Modules

Ander Zubizarreta, Markel Penalba, David Garrido, Unai Markina, Xabier Ibarrola, Jose Aizpurua
Abstract 499 | PDF Downloads 237

Adaptive Res-LSTM Attention-based Remaining Useful Lifetime Prognosis of Rolling Bearings

Boubker Najdi, Mohammed Benbrahim, Mohammed Nabil Kabbaj
Abstract 484 | PDF Downloads 218

Diagnostics and Prognostics of Boilers in Power Plant Based on Data-Driven and Machine Learning

Achmad Widodo, Toni Prahasto, Mochamad Soleh, Herry Nugraha
Abstract 202 | PDF Downloads 133

Technical Briefs

Efficiency Monitoring of a Cooling Water Pump based on Machine Learning Techniques

Marta Casero, Miguel A. Sanz-Bobi, F. Javier Bellido-López, Antonio Muñoz, Daniel Gonnzalez-Calvo, Tomas Alvarez-Tejedor
Abstract 186 | PDF Downloads 107

Breast Cancer Detection Analysis Using Different Machine Learning Techniques: South Iraq Case Study

Salma Abdulbaki Mahmood, Myssar Jabbar Hammood Al-Battbootti, Saad Shaheen Hamadi, Iuliana Marin, Costin-Anton Boiangiu, Nicolae Goga
Abstract 92 | PDF Downloads 57