Vol. 7 No. 3 (2016): IJPHM Special Issue on Smart Manufacturing Systems

The International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM) is the premier online open access journal related to multidisciplinary research on Prognostics, Diagnostics, and System Health Management. This special issue is focused on research advances in condition monitoring, diagnostic, and prognostic technologies and infrastructure enabling smart manufacturing operations.

Manufacturing is an integral part of the world’s economy and has been experiencing a revitalization in the United States in the last decade. Likewise, consumers are demanding greater product variety, customization, and more immediate availability. To keep up with these changing demands, manufacturers must promote reconfigurable and dynamic operations. Smart manufacturing is emerging as the new backbone of factory operations to enable fluid integration of new and legacy physical and virtual technologies to permit dynamic processes necessary to accommodate high product variability and volatility.

Complex system, sub-system, and component interactions within smart manufacturing systems make it challenging to determine specific influences of each on process faults and failures. Understanding the failure modes, detecting precursors to failure, tracking degradation mechanisms, and predicting the remaining useful life of components and systems is vital to the success of smart manufacturing operations. This CFP solicits papers that discuss the development of new and augmenting existing smart manufacturing PHM techniques; highlight measurement techniques capable of verifying and validating smart manufacturing PHM; and spotlight emerging hardware and software that can be leveraged in support of smart manufacturing PHM.

Published: 2016-12-01

Technical Papers

Adaptive Multi-scale Prognostics and Health Management for Smart Manufacturing Systems

Benjamin Y. Choo, Stephen C. Adams, Brian A. Weiss, Jeremy A. Marvel, Peter A. Beling
Abstract 294 | PDF Downloads 265 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2016.v7i3.2412

A Review of Problem Structuring Methods for Consideration in Prognostics and Smart Manufacturing

Patrick T. Hester, Andrew J. Collins, Barry Ezell, John Horst
Abstract 357 | PDF Downloads 600 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2016.v7i3.2413

Smart Manufacturing PHM

Brian A. Weiss, Philip Freeman, Jay Lee, Radu Pavel
Abstract 759 | PDF Downloads 353 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2016.v7i3.2415


A Microscopic Approach for Generic Degradation Modeling

Farhang Momeni, Xiaoning Jin, Jun Ni
Abstract 283 | PDF Downloads 286 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2016.v7i3.2407