Case study: the implementation of a data-driven industrial analytics methodology and platform for smart manufacturing



Published Nov 13, 2020
Peter O’Donovan Ken Bruton Dominic T.J. O’Sullivan


Integrated, real-time and open approaches relating to the development of industrial analytics capabilities are needed to support smart manufacturing. However, adopting industrial analytics can be challenging due to its multidisciplinary and cross-departmental (e.g. Operation and Information Technology) nature. These challenges stem from the significant effort needed to coordinate and manage teams and technologies in a connected enterprise. To address these challenges, this research presents a formal industrial analytics methodology that may be used to inform the development of industrial analytics capabilities. The methodology classifies operational teams that comprise the industrial analytics ecosystem, and presents a technology agnostic reference architecture to facilitate the industrial analytics lifecycle. Finally, the proposed methodology is demonstrated in a case study, where an industrial analytics platform is used to identify an operational issue in a large-scale Air Handling Unit (AHU).

Abstract 780 | PDF Downloads 615



energy efficiency, Big Data, smart manufacturing, industrial analytics, air handling unit

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