Vol. 4 No. 1 (2013): International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management

Published: 2013-01-01

Technical Papers

Development of a Mobile Robot Test Platform and Methods for Validation of Prognostics-Enabled Decision Making Algorithms

Edward Balaban, Sriram Narasimhan, Matthew J. Daigle, Indranil Roychoudhury, Adam Sweet, Christopher Bond, José R. Celaya, George Gorospe
Abstract 408 | PDF Downloads 380 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2013.v4i1.1449

Diagnosis of Fault Modes Masked by Control Loops with an Application to Autonomous Hovercraft Systems

Christopher Sconyers, Young-Ki Lee, Kilsoo Kim, Sehwan Oh, Dimitri Mavris, Nikunj Oza, Robert Mah, Rodney Martin, Ioannis A. Raptis, George J. Vachtsevanos
Abstract 234 | PDF Downloads 235 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2013.v4i1.1450

Technical Briefs

Comparative Analysis of Features for Determining State of Health in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Nick Williard, Wei He, Michael Osterman, Michael Pecht
Abstract 1523 | PDF Downloads 1115 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2013.v4i1.1437