Modeling and Simulation of Thermal Effects on Electrical Behavior in Lithium-Ion Cells



Published Nov 5, 2024
Cristóbal Allendes Ammi Beltrán Jorge E. García Diego Troncoso-Kurtovic Bruno Masserano Benjamín Brito Schiele Violeta Rivera Francisco Jaramillo Marcos E. Orchard Jorge F. Silva Heraldo Rozas Srikanth Rangarajan


Thermal effects exert a crucial influence on the electrical behavior of lithium-ion batteries, significantly impacting key parameters such as the open circuit voltage curve, internal impedance, and cell degradation rate. Furthermore, these effects may give rise to electrolyte loss, resulting in a reduction in capacity. The cycling of batteries inherently generates internal heat, establishing a direct relationship between cell temperature and power demand. This article aims to provide a methodology to model electrothermal relations and temperature influence on electrical behavior in lithium-ion cells, as well as a simulation of extended cell operation under arbitrary power loads, presenting a novel approach not previously explored. It does this by considering three models: the Bernardi model for heat generation within the cell, a thermal lumped model for the cell’s temperature, and the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann model for the capacity change as a function of temperature. These models are then connected to a state-of-the-art open circuit voltage model of a cell, providing a connection from the thermal world back into the electrical world. Experiments with different power demands occur on the simulation, including estimation of thermal parameters with relative errors under 1%, visualizing the effects of the integrated models and potential for real-cell applications.

How to Cite

Allendes, C., Beltrán, A., García, J. E., Troncoso-Kurtovic, D., Masserano, B., Brito Schiele, B., Rivera, V., Jaramillo, F., Orchard, M. E., Silva, J. F., Rozas, H., & Rangarajan, S. (2024). Modeling and Simulation of Thermal Effects on Electrical Behavior in Lithium-Ion Cells. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 16(1).
Abstract 388 | PDF Downloads 153



energy storage, batteries, electrothermal, simulation, lithium ion

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