Feature-weighted Random Forest with Boruta for Fault Diagnosis of Satellite Attitude Control Systems
The performance of random forest (RF) based satellite attitude control system (ACS) fault diagnosis methods is limited by uninformative features in high-dimensional data. To solve this problem, we proposed a feature-weighted random forest with Boruta (FWRFB) based fault diagnosis method is proposed for fault diagnosis of ACSs. Firstly, a Boruta feature selection algorithm is used to obtain a feature set and determine significant feature weights. Subsequently, a novel feature-weighted random forest (FWRF) algorithm is designed, which utilizes feature-weighted random sampling instead of simple random sampling to generate feature subsets in the RF. The FWRFB effectively utilizes the feature information while mitigating noise interference. Finally, a FWRFB-based diagnostic module is developed for online fault diagnosis of ACSs. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the ACS data from a semi-physical simulation platform.
How to Cite
Feature-weighted random forest, Fault diagnosis, Satellite attitude control system, Boruta
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