A Simulation Engine for the Characterization of Capacity Degradation Processes in Lithium-ion Batteries Undergoing Heterogeneous Operating Conditions



Published Sep 22, 2019
Aramis Perez
Heraldo Rozas Francisco Jaramillo Vanessa Quintero Marcos Orchard


Characterizing the degradation of batteries is still a matter of ongoing research due to the diverse operating conditions at which they are submitted. For example, different current discharge rates  and asymmetrical charge/discharge cycles are critical operating conditions that affect the both the performance and the lifespan. This article extends and improves a previously published methodology to estimate the degradation process of Li-ion batteries by using the Kalman Filter to estimate one of the parameters of the model. Furthermore, the Kalman Filter is then combined with a Similarity-Based-Modeling framework, which integrates information of the State-of-Charge and different discharge currents in each operating cycle to estimate the degradation process. The results are obtained using information provided by the manufacturer and also with measured data. Moreover, this model is applied to a random usage profile of an Electric-Vehicle to characterize of the degradation process of the batteries under more realistic usage conditions.

How to Cite

Perez, A., Rozas, H., Jaramillo, F., Quintero, V., & Orchard, M. (2019). A Simulation Engine for the Characterization of Capacity Degradation Processes in Lithium-ion Batteries Undergoing Heterogeneous Operating Conditions. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2019.v11i1.855
Abstract 953 | PDF Downloads 575



Li-ion Battery, Kalman Filter, Similarity Based Modeling, Degradation Process

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