Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management

Published: 2018-01-01

Technical Papers

Hierarchical Reasoning about Faults in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems using Temporal Causal Diagrams

Ajay D Chhokra, Nagabhushan Mahadevan, Abhishek Dubey, Saqib Hasan, Daniel Balasubramanian, Gabor Karsai
Abstract 378 | PDF Downloads 262 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2669

A Novel Method for Sensor Data Validation based on the analysis of Wavelet Transform Scalograms

Francesco Cannarile, Piero Baraldi, Pierluigi Colombo, Enrico Zio
Abstract 363 | PDF Downloads 304 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2670

Traffic System Anomaly Detection using Spatiotemporal Pattern Networks

Tingting Huang, Chao Liu, Anuj Sharma, Soumik Sarkar
Abstract 433 | PDF Downloads 402 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2671

Predicting Remaining Useful Life using Time Series Embeddings based on Recurrent Neural Networks

Narendhar Gugulothu, Vishnu TV, Pankaj Malhotra, Lovekesh Vig, Puneet Agarwal, Gautam Shroff
Abstract 587 | PDF Downloads 752 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2689

A Method for Automated Cavitation Detection with Adaptive Thresholds

Seth W. Gregg, John P.H. Steele, Douglas L. Van Bossuyt
Abstract 404 | PDF Downloads 362 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2691

Diagnosing and PredictingWind Turbine Faults from SCADA Data Using Support Vector Machines

Kevin Leahy, R. Lily Hu, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Costas J. Spanos, Alice M. Agogino, Dominic T. J. O’Sullivan
Abstract 833 | PDF Downloads 585 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2692

On-board Clutch Slippage Detection and Diagnosis in Heavy Duty Machine

Elisabeth K¨allstr¨om, Tomas Olsson, John Lindstr¨om, Lars Hakansson, Jonas Larsson
Abstract 452 | PDF Downloads 694 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2693

A Review of Data-Driven Oil and Gas Pipeline Pitting Corrosion Growth Models Applicable for Prognostic and Health Management

Roohollah Heidary, Steven A. Gabriel, Mohammad Modarres, Katrina M. Groth, Nader Vahdati
Abstract 1078 | PDF Downloads 910 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2695

Bayesian Stochastic Neural Network Model for Turbomachinery Damage Prediction

Shuhua Yang, Xiaomo Jiang, Shengli Xu, Xiaofang Wang
Abstract 420 | PDF Downloads 367 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2697

Enhanced production surveillance using probabilistic dynamic models

Ashutosh Tewari, Stijn de Waele, Niranjan Subrahmanya
Abstract 350 | PDF Downloads 326 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2698

Selecting Suitable Candidates for Predictive Maintenance

W. W. Tiddens, A.J.J. Braaksma, T. Tinga
Abstract 1051 | PDF Downloads 1525 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2699

Verification of Prognostic Algorithms to Predict Remaining Flying Time for Electric Unmanned Vehicles

Edward F. Hogge, Brian M. Bole, Sixto L. Vazquez, Chetan S. Kulkarni, Thomas H. Strom, Boyd L. Hill, Kyle M. Smalling, Cuong C. Quach
Abstract 433 | PDF Downloads 382 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2700

Traffic sensor health monitoring using spatiotemporal graphical modeling

Linjiang Wu, Chao Liu, Tingting Huang, Anuj Sharma, Soumik Sarkar
Abstract 344 | PDF Downloads 290 | DOI https://doi.org/10.36001/ijphm.2018.v9i1.2701