Fmdtools A Fault Propagation Toolkit for Resilience Assessment in Early Design



Published Apr 7, 2021
Daniel Hulse Hannah Walsh Andy Dong Christopher Hoyle Irem Tumer Chetan Kulkarni Kai Goebel


Incorporating resilience in design is important for the long-term viability of complex engineered systems. Complex aerospace systems, for example, must ensure safety in the event of hazards resulting from part failures and external circumstances while maintaining efficient operations. Traditionally, mitigating hazards in early design has involved experts manually creating hazard analyses in a time-consuming process that hinders one’s ability to compare designs. Furthermore, as opposed to reliability-based design, resilience-based design requires using models to determine the dynamic effects of faults to compare recovery schemes. Models also provide design opportunities, since models can be parameterized and optimized and because the resulting hazard analyses can be updated iteratively. While many theoretical frameworks have been presented for early hazard assessment, most currently-available modelling tools are meant for the later stages of design. Given the wide adoption of Python in the broader research community, there is an opportunity to create an environment for researchers to study the resilience of different PHM technologies in the early phases of design. This paper describes fmdtools, an attempt to realize this opportunity with a set of modules which may be used to construct different design models, simulate system behaviors over a set of fault scenarios and analyze the resilience of the resulting simulation results. This approach is demonstrated in the hazard analysis and architecture design of a multi-rotor drone, showing how the toolkit enables a large number of analyses to be performed on a relatively simple model as it progresses through the early design process.

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Fault Propagation Toolkit, Resilience Assessment, Design

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