An Energy-Based Prognostic Framework to Predict Fatigue Damage Evolution in Composites



Published Oct 14, 2013
Juan Chiach ́ıo Manuel Chiach ́ıo Abhinav Saxena Guillermo Rus Kai Goebel


In this work, a prognostics framework to predict the evolution of damage in fiber-reinforced composites materials un- der fatigue loads is proposed. The assessment of internal damage thresholds is a challenge for fatigue prognostics in composites due to inherent uncertainties, existence of multiple damage modes, and their complex interactions. Our framework considers predicting the balance of release strain energies from competing damage modes to establish a reference threshold for prognostics. The approach is demonstrated on data collected from a run-to-failure tension-tension fatigue experiment measuring the evolution of fatigue damage in carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) cross-ply laminates. Results are presented for the prediction of expected degradation by micro-cracks for a given panel with the associated uncertainty estimates.

How to Cite

Chiach ́ıo . J., Chiach ́ıo M. ., Saxena, A. ., Rus, G., & Goebel, K. . (2013). An Energy-Based Prognostic Framework to Predict Fatigue Damage Evolution in Composites. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1).
Abstract 818 | PDF Downloads 256



Fatigue Prognosis, RUL prediction, Physics based prognostics, composites

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