Mean Variance Estimation Neural Network Particle Filter for Predicting Battery Remaining Useful Life
Sylvain Girard Jean-Marc Bourinet
Piero Baraldi
Enrico Zio
Traditional remaining useful life (RUL) prediction methods based on particle filter (PF) require the manual tuning of hyperparameters, such as process or measurement noise, which poses challenges, particularly in real-life applications where external and operating conditions may change, potentially leading to large errors in the predictions. We address this issue by replacing the measurement equation of a PF with a mean variance estimation neural network that estimates the mean and the variance of the output distribution. As a result, the measurement noise is automatically estimated by the neural network and does not require manual setting. Through simulations and comparative analyses with state-of-the-art methods, the proposed mean variance estimation neural network particle filter (MVENN-PF) is shown to provide more stable and accurate RUL predictions, thereby potentially enhancing the robustness of battery health management systems based on it. Additionally, by eliminating the need to manually set a model hyperparameter (the measurement noise) the proposed method simplifies the modeling process, making it more accessible and adaptable to various battery systems.
How to Cite
Particle Filter, Mean Variance Estimation Neural Network, Batteries, Remaining Useful Life, Prognostic and Health Management
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