Data-Driven Remaining Useful Life Estimation Inference-Based Versus Direct Prediction
This paper explores the development and application of data-driven prognostic models for estimating the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) condensers experiencing tube fouling. Due to the unavailability of run-to-failure industry sensor data, we utilized simulated data generated by the Asherah Nuclear Power Plant Simulator (ANS), initially designed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and programmed in Simulink for cyber security simulations. ANS's adaptability allows it to simulate Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) behaviors given a time series of operating conditions and to introduce degradation modules to mimic fouling effects. Our study compares two primary approaches applied to data generated by ANS: inference-based and direct prediction methods. The selected inference-based approach estimates the health state of the condenser using a pipeline formed by an Auto Associative Kernel Regressor and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), which subsequently combines the state estimates with its parameters to predict the RUL. The direct prediction method employs a Gradient Boosting Regressor Decision Tree (GBRDT) to map input variables directly to RUL. Our findings demonstrate the efficacy and limitations of each method through the case study, providing valuable insights for the adoption of data-driven RUL estimation techniques in industrial and energy applications.
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Condition-based Maintenance, Hidden Markov Models, Prognostics, Asset Health Management, Gradient Boosting Regression Tree
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