A Batch Detection Algorithm Installed on a Test Bench



Published Sep 23, 2012
Jérôme Lacaille Valerio Gerez


Test benches are used to evaluate the performance of new turbofan engine parts during development phases. This can be especially risky for the bench itself because no one can predict in advance whether the component will behave properly. Moreover, a broken bench is often much more expensive than the deterioration of the component under test. Therefore, monitoring this environment is appropriate, but as the system is new, the algorithms must automatically adapt to the component and to the driver's behavior who wants to experience the system at the edge of its normal domain.

In this paper we present a novelty detection algorithm used in batch mode at the end of each cycle. During a test cycle, the pilot increases the shaft speed by successive steps then finally ends the cycle by an equivalent slow descent. The algorithm takes a summary of the cycle and works at a cycle frequency producing only one result at the end of each cycle. Its goal is to provide an indication to the pilot on the reliability of the bench's use for a next cycle.

How to Cite

Lacaille, J., & Gerez, V. (2012). A Batch Detection Algorithm Installed on a Test Bench. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2012.v4i1.2117
Abstract 442 | PDF Downloads 154



diagnostic algorithm, turbofan, PHM, EHM, test bench, aircraft engines

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