Robust Kalman Filter with Recursive Measurement Noise Covariance Estimation Against Measurement Faults



Published Jan 25, 2025
Chingiz Hajiyev


A new innovation-based recursive measurement noise covariance estimation method is proposed. The presented algorithm is used for Kalman filter tuning, as a result, the robust Kalman filter (RKF) against measurement malfunctions is derived. The proposed innovation-based RKF with recursive estimation of measurement noise covariance is applied for the model of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dynamics. Algorithms are examined for two types of measurement fault scenarios; constant bias at measurements (additive sensor faults) and measurement noise increments (multiplicative sensor faults). The simulation results show that the proposed RKF can accurately estimate UAV dynamics in real time in the presence of various types of sensor faults. Estimation accuracies of the proposed RKF and conventional KF are investigated and compared. In all investigated sensor fault sceneries, the Root Mean Square (RMS) errors of the proposed RKF estimates are lower. The conventional KF gives inaccurate estimation results in the presence of sensor faults.

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Kalman filter, sensor bias, measurement noise increment, robust estimation, covariance estimation, unmanned aerial vehicle

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