Adaptive Res-LSTM Attention-based Remaining Useful Lifetime Prognosis of Rolling Bearings



Published Dec 30, 2024
Boubker Najdi Mohammed Benbrahim Mohammed Nabil Kabbaj


Predicting the Remaining Useful Lifetime (RUL) of bearings is crucial for the maintenance and reliability of rotating machinery. This paper presents a novel approach utilizing PRONOSTIA and XJTU-SY datasets for RUL prediction. The proposed methodology leverages Synchrosqueezing Wavelet Transform (SSWT) and Random Projection (RP) to extract significant features from vibration signals. These features are then fed into a Residual Network (ResNet) combined with a temporal attention layer, followed by a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, referred to as the Adaptive Residual Attention LSTM (ARAL), to assess the Health Indicator (HI) of the bearings. Notably, an exponential data labeling technique is employed instead of traditional linear labeling, enhancing the robustness of the HI assessment. Following the HI estimation, the three-sigma method is applied to identify the degradation starting point. Subsequently, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is utilized to predict the RUL from this point forward. The proposed method demonstrates superior performance compared to existing techniques, providing more accurate and reliable RUL predictions. Experimental results show that this integrated approach effectively captures the complex degradation patterns of bearings, making it a valuable tool for prognostics and health management in industrial applications.

Abstract 440 | PDF Downloads 190



Bearing RUL Prognosis, Signal Processing, Deep Learning, Adaptive Labeling, Predictive Maintenance

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