Knowledge-based and Expert Systems in Prognostics and Health Management: a Survey



Published Oct 16, 2024
Kalil Bouhadra Florent Forest


Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) has become increasingly popular in recent years, and data-driven methods and artificial intelligence have emerged as dominant tools within the PHM field. This trend is mainly due to the increasing use of sensors and the ability of machine learning techniques to leverage condition monitoring data. However, despite their utility and effectiveness, these techniques are not without drawbacks. One major issue is that data-driven methods often lack transparency in their reasoning, which is crucial for understanding fault occurrences and diagnostics. Additionally, the availability of data can be a challenge. In some cases, data are scarce or hard to obtain, either due to the cost of installing necessary sensors or the rarity of the required information. Lastly, the insights derived from data can sometimes diverge from those obtained through expert analysis and established norms. This contrasts with knowledge-based approaches such as expert systems, which formally organize the knowledge acquired from norms and experts, and then deduce the desired conclusion. While research is increasingly exploring data-driven techniques, industry tends to still frequently employ knowledge-based methods. To fill this gap, this paper offers a detailed survey of knowledge-based and expert systems in PHM, examining methodologies such as propositional logic, fuzzy logic, Dempster-Shafer theory and Bayesian networks. It assesses the integration and impact of these techniques in PHM for fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis, highlighting their strengths, limitations, and potential future developments. The study provides a thorough evaluation of current developments and contributes significant insights into the current capabilities and future directions of knowledge-based techniques in enhancing decision-making processes in PHM.

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Knowledge-based, Expert, Rule-based, Prognostics and Health Management, PHM, Fault detection, Fault diagnostics, Fault prognostics

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