Proximal Gauss-Newton Method for Box-constrained Parameter Identification of a Nonlinear Railway Suspension System



Published Sep 17, 2024
Kristian Bredies Enis Chenchene Josef Fuchs Bernd Luber


The identification of railway vehicle components’ characteristics from measured data is a challenging task with compelling applications in health monitoring, fault detection, and system prognosis. Usually, though, such systems are highly nonlinear, and naive identification techniques may lead to unstable methods and inaccurate results. In this paper, we show that these issues can be easily tackled with the recently introduced proximal Gauss–Newton method, which we employ to identify the parameters of a railway nonlinear suspension system. In the proposed model, the parameters are subject to safety bounds in form of box constraints, which allows preventing nonphysical solutions. The suspension system we consider is highly nonlinear due to the presence of an airspring in the secondary suspension, which we introduce in a simplified Berg model. Numerical examples, featuring data corrupted by various noise levels, demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our proposed method. Comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches are also provided.

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Proximal Gauss-Newton method, parameter identification, railway suspension systems, airspring, Fault Detection and Isolation

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