A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Techniques for Condition-Based Maintenance



Published Jun 26, 2024
Tyler Ward
Kouroush Jenab Jorge Ortega-Moody Selva Staub


While most industrial maintenance strategies are centered on optimizing machine runtime and cost reduction, the condition-based maintenance (CBM) strategy distinguishes itself from others in its use of real-time operational data from machines to help engineers make informed decisions. The introduction of machine learning (ML) into a CBM strategy can increase its effectiveness, enabling more accurate predictions and making the decision-making process more efficient. In this review paper, we seek to provide a comprehensive overview of the role ML plays in modern CBM systems, beginning by outlining the core concepts and historical development of CBM and briefly introducing various ML techniques being employed in industry today. We then review numerous real-world cases where ML-based CBM systems have been implemented and discuss some of the technological, human, and ethical challenges faced by organizations seeking to integrate sophisticated ML models into existing CBM systems. We end by highlighting some of the current limitations of ML-based CBM systems, paving the way for a discussion on emerging trends and future research directions in this area.

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Condition-Based Maintenance, Machine Learning

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