A Composite Fault Feature Enhancement Approach for Rolling Bearings Grounded on ITD and Entropy-based Weight Method



Published Jan 24, 2023
mingyue yu jingwen su liqiu liu yi zhang


Aiming to precisely identify a compound fault of rolling bearing, the paper has contributed a fault characteristic enhancement method by combing entropy weight method (EWM) and intrinsic time scale decomposition (ITD). Firstly, to effectively segregate frequency components in vibration signals, proper rotation components (PRCs) were obtained by decomposing vibration signals based on ITD. Secondly, in view of the fact that amplitude, variance and correlation coefficient vary greatly in a bearing fault accompanied by impact components, parameter evaluation indexes were brought in to depict the fault characteristics of PRCs, including average, variance, correlation coefficient, margin factor, kurtosis, impulse factor, peak factor and so on. Thirdly, weight coefficient of each parameter index was calculated by entropy weight method and the characteristics of each PRC highlighted based on that. Finally, the signals were reconstructed according to the PRCs whose characteristics had been enhanced. Meanwhile reconstructed signals were denoised with singular differential spectrum (SDS) to reduce the influence of noise components, and then the type of compound fault was distinguished grounded on the frequency spectrum. To further prove the efficiency of proposed method, it is compared with other methods (SDS, ITD + entropy method). The result indicates that the proposed method can further highlight the characteristic information of compound faults of bearing and embody more exact identification and judgment on the type of faults.

Abstract 467 | PDF Downloads 434



rolling bearing; intrinsic time-scale decomposition; entropy weighting method;

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