Data-driven approach for labelling process plant event data



Published Jan 24, 2022
Débora Corrêa Adriano Polpo Michael Small Shreyas Srikanth Kylie Hollins Melinda Hodkiewicz


An essential requirement in any data analysis is to have a response variable representing the aim of the analysis. Much academic work is based on laboratory or simulated data, where the experiment is controlled, and the ground truth clearly defined. This is seldom the reality for equipment performance in an industrial environment and it is common to find issues with the response variable in industry situations. We discuss this matter using a case study where the problem is to detect an asset event (failure) using data available but for which no ground truth is available from historical records. Our data frame contains measurements of 14 sensors recorded every minute from a process control system and 4 current motors on the asset of interest over a three year period. In this situation the ``how to'' label the event of interest is of fundamental importance. Different labelling strategies will generate different models with direct impact on the in-service fault detection efficacy of the resulting model. We discuss a data-driven approach to label a binary response variable (fault/anomaly detection) and compare it to a rule-based approach. Labelling of the time series was performed using dynamic time warping followed by agglomerative hierarchical clustering to group events with similar event dynamics. Both data sets have significant imbalance with 1,200,000 non-event data but only 150 events in the rule-based data set and 64 events in the data-driven data set. We study the performance of the models based on these two different labelling strategies, treating each data set independently. We describe decisions made in window-size selection, managing imbalance, hyper-parameter tuning, training and test selection, and use two models, logistic regression and random forest for event detection. We estimate useful models for both data sets. By useful, we understand that we could detect events for the first four months in the test set. However as the months progressed the performance of both models deteriorated, with an increasing number of false positives, reflecting possible changes in dynamics of the system. This work raises questions such as ``what are we detecting?'' and ``is there a right way to label?'' and presents a data driven approach to support labelling of historical events in process plant data for event detection in the absence of ground truth data.

Abstract 1677 | PDF Downloads 1055



time-series clustering, imbalanced data, process plant data, event detection, labelling strategies, absence of ground truth data

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