Review of Technologies for Automatic Health Monitoring of Structures and Buildings



Published Sep 5, 2021
Artem Basko Olena Ponomarova Yurii Prokopchuk


Research in the field of structural monitoring of structures, buildings and structures is not abating. A key link in a modern wireless monitoring system is a sensor built using wireless technologies. Undoubtedly, wireless sensors are gradually replacing wired systems that are difficult to maintain, connect and costly. However, we should not forget about wired systems, wireless sensor networks are a new stage in the development of structural monitoring.

The level of development of monitoring systems and wireless sensors for monitoring tasks has not yet been fully investigated for their universal application in various applications. There are also software restrictions associated with the creation and configuration of sensor networks.

The importance of using automatic monitoring systems lies in their application in smart homes as monitoring system for the condition of a building and as a human security system.

According to this study, it aims to provide a comprehensive overview of structural health monitoring over the years. In particular, this article reviewed and analyzed the main components of wireless communication, such as: hardware of smart wireless sensors, wireless protocol, network architecture, operating systems. This review also presents the scope of both test benches and real deployments of such systems.

Abstract 838 | PDF Downloads 675



monitoring system, structural monitoring, wireless sensors, sensor networks, IoT sensors

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