A Review of Post-Prognostics Decision-Making in Prognostics and Health Management



Published Mar 24, 2021
Omar Bougacha Christophe Varnier Noureddine Zerhouni


Mainly, the prognostics and health management (PHM) process is based on three processes: the data acquisition and health assessment process in which sensors signals are acquired and processed, the diagnostic and prognostic process in which the source of failure is detected and the remaining useful life (RUL) is predicted and finally the decision- making process that refers to the term management in prognostics and health management. This paper reviews in the literature about the different aspects of decision-making in the context of PHM. The selected papers are subject to con- tent assessment and grouped according to the decision type. Additionally, this paper presents a synthesis of the previous works that helps identify new trends and deficiencies in the decision-making process. The synthesis can guide efforts for future work.

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Prognostic Decision Making, Prognostics and Health Management, Post-Prognostics Decisions

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