Assessment of Health Monitoring Trustworthiness of Avionics Systems



Published Jul 25, 2021
Vladimir Ulansky Dr. Igor Machalin
Dr. Iryna Terentyeva


The article provides a methodology for assessing the trustworthiness of health monitoring the dismounted avionics systems with automated test equipment (ATE). The indicators include the probabilities of false-positive, false-negative, true-positive, and true-negative. For the first time, we introduced into consideration the instability of the source of stimulus signal (SSS), the random and systematic component of the measuring channel error, and the reliability characteristics of the systems themselves. We consider a specific case of an exponential distribution of permanent failures and intermittent faults and derive formulas for calculating the trustworthiness indicators. Numerical calculations illustrate how the probabilities of correct and incorrect decisions depend on accuracy parameters. We show that the probabilities of false-positive and false-negative increase much faster than the probabilities of true-positive and true-negative decrease when the standard deviation of stimulus signal increases. For a Very High-Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR) receiver, we demonstrate that even with a zero random error generated by the source of the stimulus signal, the probabilities of false-positive and false-negative are different from zero.

Abstract 796 | PDF Downloads 632



Health monitoring; False-positive; False-negative; VOR receiver

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