Prognostics Health Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries in Charge-Decay Estimation Uncertainties – A Comparative Analysis



Published Nov 19, 2020
Chinedu I. Ossai


This study uses nonlinear mixed effect-based degradation modeling that considers the influence of uncertainties on the state-of-charge of lithium-ion batteries to determine the State-of-Health (SOH) of the batteries at different End-of-Life (EOL) failure thresholds. The results of the analysis obtained with lithium-ion batteries data from NASA Ames Centre repository, confirms that the SOH of the batteries is influenced by the uncertainties. This is because the random effects models show a better correlation with the experimental data than the fixed effects models that have not considered uncertainty. It is important therefore that battery prognosis is done in consideration of these parametric uncertainties, to forestall poor estimation of the SOH of the lithium-ion batteries at various stages of the lifecycle. Seeing that the presence of uncertainties could result in unwarranted failures of assets powered by the batteries, due to over-estimation of the remaining useful life (RUL) or capital loss, due to early decommissioning of efficient batteries when the RUL is under-estimated.

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Charge capacity decay, degradation model, nonlinear mixed effect models, lithium-ion battery, reliability, uncertainty

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