A Hybrid Approach of Data-driven and Physics-based Methods for Estimation and Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth



Published Jun 4, 2023
Hyeon Bae Kong Soo-Ho Jo Joon Ha Jung Jong M. Ha Yong Chang Shin Heonjun Yoon Kyung Ho Sun Yun-Ho Seo Byung Chul Jeon


Lamb-wave-based nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT/E) methods have drawn much attention due to their potential to inspect plate-like structures in a variety of industrial applications. To estimate and/or predict fatigue crack growth, many research efforts have been made to develop data-driven or physics-based methods. Data-driven methods show high predictive capability without the need for physical domain knowledge; however, fewer data can lead to overfitting in the results. On the other hand, physics-based methods can provide reliable results without the need for measured data; however, small amounts of physical information can worsen their predictive capability. In real applications, both the measurable data and the physical information of systems may be considerably limited; it is thus challenging to estimate and/or predict the crack length using either the data-driven or physics-based method alone. To make use of the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of each method, the work outlined in this paper aims to develop a hybrid approach that combines the data-driven and the physics-based methods for estimation and prediction of fatigue crack growth with and without Lamb wave signals. First, with Lamb wave signals, a data-driven method based on signal processing and the random forest model can be used estimate crack lengths. Second, in the absence of Lamb wave signals, a physics-based method based on an ensemble prognostics approach and Walker’s equation can be used to predict crack lengths with the help of the previously estimated crack lengths. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach, a case study is presented using datasets provided in the 2019 PHM Conference Data Challenge by the PHM Society. The case study confirms that the proposed method shows high accuracy; the RMSEs for specimens T7 and T8 are calculated as 0.2021 and 0.551, respectively. A penalty score is calculated as 7.63, this result led to a 2nd place finish in the Data Challenge. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to propose a hybrid approach for estimation and prediction of fatigue crack growth.

Abstract 1192 | PDF Downloads 795



fatigue crack growth, prediction, Estimation, Hybrid Approach

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