Fatigue Damage Monitoring for Mining Vehicles using Data Driven Models



Published Jun 4, 2023
Erik Jakobsson Robert Pettersson Erik Frisk Mattias Krysander


The life and condition of a mine truck frame are related to how the machine is used. Damage from stress cycles is accumulated over time, and measurements throughout the life of the machine are needed to monitor the condition. This results in high demands on the durability of sensors, especially in a harsh mining application. To make a monitoring system cheap and robust, sensors already available on the vehicles are preferred rather than additional strain gauges. The main question in this work is whether the existing on-board sensors can give the required information to estimate stress signals and calculate accumulated damage of the frame. Model complexity requirements and sensors selection are also considered. A final question is whether the accumulated damage can be used for prognostics and to increase reliability. The investigation is performed using a large data set from two vehicles operating in real mine applications. Coherence analysis, ARX-models, and rain flow counting are techniques used. The results show that a low number of available on-board sensors like load cells, damper cylinder positions, and angle transducers can give enough information to recreate some of the stress signals measured. The models are also used to show significant differences in usage by different operators, and its effect on the accumulated damage.

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