An Approach for Uncertainty Quantification And Management Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Health
The increasing interest in low-altitude unmanned aerial vehi- cle (UAV) operations is bringing along safety concerns. Per- formance of small, low-cost UAVs drastically changes with type, size and controller of the vehicle. Their reliability is sig- nificantly lower when compared to reliability of commercial aircraft, and the availability of on-board sensors for health and state awareness is extremely limited due to their size and propulsion capabilities. Uncertainty plays a dominant role in such a scenario, where a variety of UAVs of differ- ent size, propulsion systems, dynamic performance and reli- ability enters the low-altitude airspace. Unexpected failures could have dangerous consequences for both equipment and humans within that same airspace. As a result, a number of research tasks and methodologies are being proposed in the area of UAV dynamic modeling, health and safety monitor- ing, but uncertainty quantification is rarely addressed. Thus, this paper proposes a perspective towards uncertainty quan- tification for autonomous systems, giving special emphasis to UAV health monitoring application. A formal approach to classify uncertainty is presented; it is utilized to identify the uncertainty sources in UAVs health and operations, and then map uncertainty within a predictive process. To show the application of the methodology proposed here, the design of a model-based powertrain health monitoring algorithm for small-size UAVs is presented as case study. The example il- lustrates how the uncertainty quantification approach can help the modeling strategy, as well as the assessment of diagnostic and prognostic performance.
How to Cite
uav, powertrain, uncertainty quantification, battery, motor, ESC

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