Towards Prognostics of Power MOSFETs: Accelerated Aging and Precursors of Failure



Published Oct 10, 2010
Jose R. Celaya Abhinav Saxena Philip Wysocki Sankalita Saha Kai Goebel


This paper presents research results dealing with power MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) within the prognostics and health management of electronics. Experimental results are presented for the identification of the on-resistance as a precursor to failure of devices with die-attach degradation as a failure mechanism. Devices are aged under power cycling in order to trigger die-attach damage. In situ measurements of key electrical and thermal parameters are collected throughout the aging process and further used for analysis and computation of the on-resistance parameter. Experimental results show that the devices experience die-attach damage and that the on-resistance captures the degradation process in such a way that it could be used for the development of prognostics algorithms (data-driven or physics-based).

How to Cite

R. Celaya, J. ., Saxena, A. ., Wysocki , P., Saha, S. ., & Goebel, K. . (2010). Towards Prognostics of Power MOSFETs: Accelerated Aging and Precursors of Failure. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 2(1).
Abstract 1066 | PDF Downloads 721



electronic prognostic methods

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