Fault Severity Estimation in Cracked Shafts by Integration of Phase Space Topology and Convolutional Neural Network



Published Oct 26, 2023
Utkarsh Andharikar Amirhassan Abbasi Prashant Kambali C. Nataraj


With the rapid advancement of industrial systems and the unavoidable complications and interconnectedness in systems, diagnostics of industrial machinery are achieving paramount importance. Accurate estimation of health condition of industrial machinery becomes more challenging due to the inherent nonlinearity, complexity, and uncertainty of the observations. Nonlinear dynamic analysis has proven to be a powerful tool for providing information about the health condition of a system that can be used for diagnostic applications. The current study particularly focuses on crack depth estimation using phase space analysis. Phase space provides a topological representation of the dynamics of the system and is highly informative about the health condition. The information suitable for diagnostics is employed by Convolutional Neural Networks, which are known to be powerful in extracting spatial information from maps. The proposed diagnostic method is evaluated on a Jeffcott rotor model with transverse crack in the rotating shaft to estimate the severity of the fault from the phase space topology as a case study.

How to Cite

Andharikar, . U., Abbasi, A., Kambali, P., & Nataraj, C. (2023). Fault Severity Estimation in Cracked Shafts by Integration of Phase Space Topology and Convolutional Neural Network. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2023.v15i1.3574
Abstract 361 | PDF Downloads 193



Convolutional neural network, Rotordynamics, Phase space topology

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