Omni-Directional Regeneration (ODR) of Gap Sensor Signal for Journal Bearing System Diagnosis



Published Oct 18, 2015
Joon Ha Jung Byung Chul Jeon Byeng D. Youn Donghwan Kim Yeonwhan Kim


We have developed a technique that enhances the detectability of sensors used to acquire data from a journal bearing rotor system. Usually, at an axial position for the rotating shaft on a journal bearing system, two sensors are fixed in radial direction at a right angle. The conventional diagnosis researches use only the acquired signals. However, two fixed sensors may not give sufficient information for diagnosis of the system since anomalies can happen in arbitrary direction. To improve the robustness of the diagnosis, coordinate transformed gap sensor signal is generated in arbitrary direction without installing extra sensors or adjusting sensor positions. With the original signals, the generated signals are used in the process of diagnosis. The powerful but simple method is described in the paper, and is verified by data sets from the experiment.

How to Cite

Ha Jung, J. ., Chul Jeon, B. ., D. Youn, B. ., Kim, D. ., & Kim, Y. . (2015). Omni-Directional Regeneration (ODR) of Gap Sensor Signal for Journal Bearing System Diagnosis. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 273 | PDF Downloads 192



signal processing, data-driven phm, Journal Bearing

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