Separated two-phase flow model of cryogenic loading operation



Published Oct 18, 2015
Dmitry G Luchinskiy Ekaterina Ponizovskaya-Devine Michael Khasin Dogan Timucin Jarred Sass Jose Perotti Barbara Brown


We present results of development of separated two-phase cryogenic flow model motivated by NASA plans to mature technology of autonomous cryogenic management on the ground and in space. The solution algorithm is based on the nearly-implicit scheme. We discuss the stability, speed, and accuracy of the algorithm in the context of applications to online health management of cryogenic loading operation. We present the results of validation of the model by comparison with the experimental data obtained during chilldown of the horizontal transfer line obtained at National Bureau of Standards and at the cryogenic testbed in Kennedy Space Center. We demonstrate a good agreement of the model predictions with the experimental data.

How to Cite

G Luchinskiy, D. ., Ponizovskaya-Devine, E. ., Khasin, M. ., Timucin, D. ., Sass, J. ., Perotti, J. ., & Brown, B. . (2015). Separated two-phase flow model of cryogenic loading operation. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1).
Abstract 305 | PDF Downloads 185



cryogenic two-phase flow, nearly-implicit method, cryogenic loading operation

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