Inferential framework for autonomous cryogenic loading operations



Published Oct 2, 2017
Dmitry G Luchinskiy Michael Khasin Dogan Timucin Jarred Sass Jose Perotti Barbara Brown


We address the problem of autonomous cryogenic management of loading operations on the ground and in space. As a step towards the solution of this problem we develop a probabilistic framework for inferring correlations parameters of two-fluid cryogenic flow. The simulation of two-phase cryogenic flow is performed using nearly-implicit scheme. A concise set of cryogenic correlations is introduced. The proposed approach is applied to an analysis of the cryogenic flow in experimental Propellant Loading System built at NASA Kennedy Space Center. An efficient simultaneous optimization of a large number of model parameters is demonstrated and a good agreement with the experimental data is obtained.

How to Cite

Luchinskiy, D. G., Khasin, M., Timucin, D., Sass, J., Perotti, J., & Brown, B. (2017). Inferential framework for autonomous cryogenic loading operations. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 9(1).
Abstract 272 | PDF Downloads 219



two-phase flow, autonomous cryogenic operations, dynamical inference

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