Fast optimization for aircraft descent and approach trajectory



Published Oct 2, 2017
Dmitry G Luchinskiy Stefan Schuet J. Brenton Dogan Timucin David Smith John Kaneshige


We address the problem of online scheduling of the descent aircraft trajectory. The problem is considered in a general framework of the multiphase optimal control. First, we obtain solution of this problem using traditional approach. Next, we develop novel solution algorithm using two key components: (i) inference of the dynamical and control variables of the descending trajectory from the low dimensional flight profile and (ii) solution of the resulting low-dimensional optimization problem using efficient local search. We show that the developed algorithm is much faster than the traditional one and discuss its future application to the simultaneous optimization of the runway throughput and the descent trajectory for each aircraft in convective weather conditions.

How to Cite

Luchinskiy, D. G., Schuet, S., Brenton, J., Timucin, D., Smith, D., & Kaneshige, J. (2017). Fast optimization for aircraft descent and approach trajectory. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 9(1).
Abstract 278 | PDF Downloads 223



mutiphase optimization, aircraft landing trajectory scheduling, vertical trajectory optimization

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