Distributed Fault Detection and Estimation for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System in a Platoon



Published Oct 18, 2015
Zoleikha Abdollahi Biron Pierluigi Pisu


Wireless vehicle to vehicle communication in a vehicle platoon is proposed in intelligent transportation systems to increase safety of the transportation system and assist drivers for improved decision making. However, similar to any networked system, cooperative connected vehicles in a platoon are vulnerable to malfunction due to failures in network communication. In addition to the possible data corruption, sensor and actuator faults can have significant effects on the control strategy for cruise control. This paper considers a platoon of connected vehicles equipped with cooperative adaptive cruise control and presents a reconstructive method based on sliding mode observer to estimate and reconstruct the faults in the sensors and actuators of vehicles.

How to Cite

Abdollahi Biron, Z. ., & Pisu, P. . (2015). Distributed Fault Detection and Estimation for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System in a Platoon. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2015.v7i1.2545
Abstract 499 | PDF Downloads 270



sliding mode observer, fault estimation and reconstruction, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), platoon, network failure

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