I/P Transducer Application of Model-Based Wear Detection and Estimation using Steady State Conditions



Published Oct 14, 2013
Christopher Teubert Matthew Daigle


For modern systems, wear estimation plays an important role in preventing failure, scheduling maintenance, and improving utility. Wear estimation relies on a series of sensors, measuring the state of the system. In some components, the sensors used to estimate wear may not be fast enough to capture brief transient states that are indicative of wear. For this reason it is beneficial to be capable of detecting and estimating the extent of component wear using steady-state measurements. This paper details a method for estimating component wear using steady-state measurements, and describes a case study of a current/pressure (I/P) transducer. I/P Transducer nominal and off-nominal behavior are characterized using a physics- based model, and validated against expected component behavior. This model is used to determine steady state responses to many common I/P Transducer wear modes, isolate the ac- tive wear mode, and estimate its magnitude.

How to Cite

Teubert, . C., & Daigle, M. . (2013). I/P Transducer Application of Model-Based Wear Detection and Estimation using Steady State Conditions. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36001/phmconf.2013.v5i1.2233
Abstract 459 | PDF Downloads 188




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