Condition-Based Maintenance with both Perfect and Imperfect Maintenance Actions



Published Sep 23, 2012
Phuc Do Van Alexandre Voisin Eric Levrat Benoit Iung


This paper deals with a condition-based maintenance (CBM) model considering both perfect and imperfect maintenance actions for a deteriorating system whose condition is aperiod- ically monitored according to a remaining useful life (RUL) based-inspection policy. Perfect maintenance actions restore completely the system to the ’as good as new’ state. Their related cost are however often high. Imperfect preventive maintenance restores partially the system with reduced main- tenance cost. Nevertheless, it may however make the system more susceptible to future deterioration. The aim of the pa- per is to propose a CBM model which can help to construct optimal maintenance policies when both perfect and imper- fect maintenance actions are possible. To illustrate the use of the proposed CBM model, a numerical example finally is introduced.

How to Cite

Do Van, P. ., Voisin, A., Levrat, E., & Iung, B. . (2012). Condition-Based Maintenance with both Perfect and Imperfect Maintenance Actions. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 4(1).
Abstract 273 | PDF Downloads 212



condition based maintenance (CBM), remaining useful life (RUL), Degradation Model, imperfect maintenance

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