Simulation-driven Bearing Fault Diagnosis for Condition Monitoring without Faulty Data



Published Sep 4, 2023
Iljeok Kim Seungchul Lee


The failure of rolling element bearings in complex mechanical systems is a significant cause of mechanical failures, leading to decreased productivity and safety risks. Deep learning has shown promising results in bearing fault diagnosis, but the predictive performance depends on highquality data. Domain adaptation has been studied to solve this problem, but it still has limitations when applied to real-world industrial applications. In this study, we propose a deep learning-based domain generalization framework for bearing fault diagnosis using the bearing simulation model and adversarial data augmentation method. The proposed framework was validated on a real bearing fault dataset and showed promising results in improving diagnostic performance in cases where fault data cannot be obtained or when dealing with unlearned target domains. This approach has the potential to improve industrial maintenance systems by obtaining improved generalization performance in the absence of fault datasets.

Abstract 152 | PDF Downloads 213



Bearing Fault Diagnosis, Domain Generalization, Vibration Simulation

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