Automatic detection of hardware failures in an air quality measuring station with low cost sensors
Monitoring air quality to protect the population is a challenge for cities with modest budgets. With this in mind, a measuring station has been developed using low-cost sensors (LCS) arranged in Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR). However LCS technology has limitations which lead to incomplete or inaccurate air quality measurements. To improve the availability of the measuring station, and also to make the data gathered more reliable, a fault detection method is proposed in this paper. By comparing measurements collected by the LCS in TMR configuration, the proposed method synthesizes measurements for each monitored parameter and assesses the health state of the measuring station in real-time. This information can be used to promptly alert maintenance teams, facilitating timely interventions and ensuring the continuous monitoring of air quality.
Low-Cost Sensor, Air pollution Monitoring, Hardware reliability, Detection, Diagnostic
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