Detection and Diagnostic with Random Forest Classifier (RFC) to Improve the Maintenance Management System in Steam Boiler of Power Plant



Published Sep 4, 2023
Ghiffari Awliya Muhammad Ashfania Tarwaji Warsokusumo Toni Prahasto Achmad Widodo


Industrial internet of things (IIoT), digital twin, and connected devices can continue to use smart equipment and improve access to data. While the data collected by sensors has been an invaluable asset to companies, the ability to understand and use this data to drive new insights. The development of Condition Monitoring (CM) technology and Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) in power generation systems provides a validated set of operation and maintenance data with abundant event data. Maintenance decision-making is primarily based on equipment reliability and performance-based features for diagnosing equipment failure. The most critical asset and often reduces the reliability and availability of a Coal Fired Steam Power Plant (CFSPP) with the most frequency of disturbances is the steam boiler. As a departure from the idea of creating a digital twin, this article will focus on analyzing equipment health conditions and finding causes of failure of the tools, utilizing data for diagnostic purposes. Real-case used in this research are steam boilers, which are important assets in power plant generation. The online and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) module data will be combined to realize the concept of anomaly diagnosis which is driven by hybrid data. Hoping that accurate diagnosis result with the Random Forest Classifier (RFC) Algorithm can be obtained and be used to analyze the causes of failure and decrease in equipment performance resulting by a decrease of energy efficiency performance. The analytical approaches are carried out to have the goal of generating detection models and diagnostic insights of event data based on operational data and FMEA.

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Failure Detection, Anomaly Diagnostic, Random Forest Classifier, Maintenance Management System

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