Online fault detection for industrial processes through Kalman filter



Published Sep 4, 2023
Wenyi Liu Takehisa Yairi


Industrial processes suffer from a wide range of damages including normal wear, environmental changes, physical structural defects and so on. This paper describes the possibility of system health management based on a prediction model, i.e., state space model realized by Kalman filter. The categorical target was mapped to numerical values in advance for this purpose. To deal with the time-varying and streaming characteristics of the industrial process, the model is applied in an online fashion. Comparing with conventional fault detection techniques, this model has the advantages of monitoring not only the production process of interests through observation equation, but also the structural anomalies described via unseen states estimation. In addition, the process and measurement noises provide valuable information about the unstructured uncertainties caused by other reasons. Experiments have been conducted to valid the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Abstract 182 | PDF Downloads 170



dynamic process, Kalman filter, fault detection

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