Cybersecurity in Prognostics and Health Management



Published Oct 17, 2024
Kai Goebel


PHM continues to show its value by improving operational efficiencies, increasing safety, reducing downtime, and decreasing cost of operations. PHM technologies are therefore not only being deployed as retrofit solutions but are being integrated into new systems as standard practice. Deployment covers areas such as medical equipment, nuclear power plants, aeronautics applications, oil and gas, mining, and many others. As the impact of PHM increases, it is imperative to also consider the potential vulnerabilities that are being exposed. Hackers have famously used Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) systems to sabotage industrial facilities. As such, it is important to understand the exposure to malfeasance to ensure that PHM does not end up being the enabling mechanism for unauthorized access to the system it is meant to keep in running order. It is also important to understand the measures that need to be taken to avoid or respond to an attack. These range from extensive penetration testing to conducting extensive counter-social engineering training, setting up a PHM-specific CERT plan and team in place. This paper discusses various threats that are emerging and that may have to be considered when designing a PHM solution. Additionally, the NIST cybersecurity framework is discussed in the context of PHM. Finally, this paper looks at the diagnostic capabilities of PHM systems to detect cyber security attacks and to contain these threats.

Abstract 24 | PDF Downloads 51



PHM, Cybersecurity, IoT, Prognostics and Health Management, Cyber Threat, Attack Surface, SCADA, PLC, Vulnerability, Threat Modeling

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