Enhanced Method for Localization of Partial Discharges in Oil-Filled Transformers Using Acoustic Emission Signals



Published Oct 8, 2024
Yasutomo Otake Kunihiko Tajiri


The accurate measurement of partial discharges (PD) in power transformers is a critical component in identifying faults and planning effective maintenance strategies. Acoustic emission (AE) sensing technology is suitable for detecting partial discharges in transformers because it is less affected by external electromagnetic interference and detects PD non-invasively. This paper delves into examining the relationship between the detection intensity, the specific type of PD source, and the distance to the discharge source, using AE sensors. It was observed that AE wave intensities from corona discharges tend to be relatively strong, indicating a higher detection probability. Creepage discharges usually exhibit the next level of intensity, followed by the PD occurring in bubbles. It is considered that the intensity of the AE waves varies significantly depending on both the speed at which the discharge propagates and the medium and volume of the discharge space. Furthermore, this study has conducted experimental comparisons among three distinct methods for calculating the Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) in localization calculations. These methods are the energy criterion, Generalized Cross-Correlation (GCC), and GCC with Phase Transformation (PHAT). The experimental results suggest that the energy criterion method is particularly effective when sensors are distributed placement around the entire tank. In contrast, the GCC-PHAT method shows greater suitability in scenarios where sensors are centralized placement in certain sections of the tank. It was clearly observed that the GCC-PHAT method, which suppresses the impact of noise and reflections, consistently achieves higher estimation accuracy in comparison to the standard GCC method. Notably, this method has shown the ability to maintain its accuracy levels even in cases of low discharge intensities. The implications of these findings are significant, as they could improve the precision and effectiveness of maintenance diagnostics in power transformers.

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Power transformer, partial discharge, electrical insulation, Acoustic emission, TDOA, sound source localization

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